

„Endlich ist es so weit: Die EM im eigenen Land steht an! Bitte lasst uns die kleinen und großen Momente feiern, die uns in diesem Fußball-Sommer zusammenbringen. Viel Spaß wünscht euch Bitburger, offizielles Bier der UEFA EURO 2024™.“ VO Casting by MassiveVoices. Thx to @stinkberlin @serviceplan @bitburger #bitteeinbit #EURO2024


Patrick Hammer – Managing Director
Christoph Everke – Managing Director
Moritz Dornig – Executive Creative Director
Sebastian Bialon – Creative Director
Tobias Morka – Creative Director
Matthäus Frost – Creative Director
Florian Joester – Copywriter
Agnes Motz – Art Director
Vira Ronkina – Art Director
Christoph Köhler – Head of Production
Mirja-Laurina Johanns – Account Director
Katja Potechin – Senior Account Manager
Julian Hupfeld – Account Manager
Milena Fischer – Account Manager
Produktion – Stink Films 
Director: Eliot Rausch 
DoP: Cedric Schanze
Executive Producer: Moritz Merkel
Producer: Michael Hessenbruch
Producer: Nikita Mikitin
Journalist: Jan Henrick Becker
Research: Katrein Baumeister
Photographer: Florian Schüppel
Art Department & Styling: Evgeniy Marantz
Art Department & Styling: Maurizio Gallicchio
Post Producer: Robert Sieg
Editor: Jonas Baumgärtel
Editor: Leonidas Befeldt
Editor: Julian Neville
Editor: Max Eigentler
Color Grading: Jacob McKee
Post Production: nhb video GmbH
Music & Sounddesign: Staub Audio
Voice Over Casting: Massive Voices
Serviceplan holt den einzigen Grand Clio für Deutschland: In New York wurden die Gewinner der diesjährigen Clio Awards gefeiert. Während die Gold-, Silber- und Bronzepreisträger schon länger bekannt sind, wurden erst jetzt die Grand Clios enthüllt. Von den insgesamt 30 Hauptpreisen geht einer nach Deutschland: @serviceplan und sein Kunde Aizome können sich über den Grand Clio in der Kategorie Public Relations freuen. Wir gratulieren und freuen uns mit dem Voice Over Casting ein kleinen Teil beigetragen zu haben.
Der Frühling kommt, die ersten Sonnenstrahlen sind da, wir wollen raus an die frische Luft, die Gartensaison einläuten und dann ist es da: das Angebot, das du nicht ablehnen kannst! Stimmen die Angebote, kommen die Ideen. Toom Baumarkt.

Kids & Brandvoice Casting, SFX and Mix by MassiveVoices. Thx to @scholzandfriends & @toombaumarkt
Fernsehen von Vodafone schenkt Momente, die bleiben!  Voice- & Brandvoice Casting by MassiveVoices. Agentur: @antoniberlin  AudioPost: @tro_music_services Kunde: @vodafone_de
Jede Geschichte beginnt mit einem Yes. Hast du schon mal an Board eines Flugzeugs gesessen und dich gefragt: Wo fliegen eigentlich all diese Menschen hin? Was ist ihre Geschichte? Wer wartet wohl auf sie? Auch wenn wir alle unterschiedliche Beweggründe fürs Fliegen haben, eine Sache vereint uns doch: Jede Geschichte beginnt mit einem Yes. Lufthansa 🛫

Voicecasting bei MassiveVoices.
Danke an @serviceplan Till Distel und @iconoclast_germany Nicolás Blankenhorn plus Teams. Vielen Dank für das Vertrauen es hat wie immer großen Spaß gemacht!
Christmas campaign for @zalando featuring the iconic @chloessevigny 

English Voice Casting by MassiveVoices. THX to @72andsunny_Amsterdam to be a part of it.

Directed by @justynaobasi
DOP @joaodebotelho
Produced by @anorak_film
EP Cathy Baikousis @katziberlin
Producer Birgit Damen
Director’s Assistant @jelanaterbrugge
Production Coordinator Iviana Rangelov
Production Assistant Lisa Maria Beck @limitlizzz
Agency @72andsunny_ Amsterdam
Creative Director Simone Moessinger
Creative Bethany Jones
Art Director Joseph Murphy 
Producer Stefan Bader 
Stills Producer Nili Zadok 
SoMe Producer Cecilia Russolo 
Senior Brand Manager Luca Andreose 
Director of Production Stephanie Oakley
Editor @carlosfontclos
Grading Simon Bourne, @company_3
Sound Design @staubaudio @moritz.staub
United Nations - Secondo. Why is it so uncomfortable to talk about origins? Why do many people with migrant roots not want to describe themselves as German? Why do we find it so difficult to get rid of the daily racism within society in Germany? Don't people with a migration background who call Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich etc. their home deserve the same opportunities as everyone else? 

Especially PoC (People of Color) suffer from institutional racism. In order to combat this abuse, we must do something about it. With this film we want to set an example and give voice to those who are part of this society, but who are often denied participation and the right to have a say. With this film we want to make them more visible and audible.

@unitednations , and in particular the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), produces an annual report on the situation in all UN Countries and make recommendations on areas in which they should aim for improvement. This is the reason why to helped to make a promotional film for the UN and the CERD. 

MassiveVoices Casting Off Voice Talent.
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Massive Voices

MassiveVoices is an international company specialized in high quality casting and recording of voice artists all around the world.

We are the one single contact for all your adaptation needs – including organization of studio facilities, voice casting, translation and supervising the whole production process in each and every country.

We provide competitive rates and conditions due to existing package deals with studios and voice agents around the world. We have a database of approximately 7000 voice artists and contacts in over 70 countries.

We work exclusively with professional native speaking artists that are mainly professional actors, trained singers or celebrities in their markets. We give every client the possibility to attend recording sessions via Source Connect, Skype, Session link etc.

Our clients include Wieden & Kennedy, BBH, Crispin Porter+Bogusky, Mother, Droga5, AMV/BBDO, DDB, BETC, TBWA, 180, Saatchi & Saatchi, Jung von Matt, Heimat and many more.

We found and created the persona for Samsung Bixby in cooperation with Samsung.  We did within a period of 1.5 years all TTS recordings in New York City with the one chosen talent. We coordinated, recorded and supervised it. If you are looking for a partner helping you with Text-To-Speech recordings (TTS) we are the people to ask.

Claudia Hesse has over 25 years of Casting experience. She started her carrier in Hamburg in 1996, worked 6 years in London (2008-2014), 6 years Amsterdam in and lives and works since end of 2020 in Munich. Heike Hesse tried many things before she found her calling in music. She worked for various record labels, including Public Propaganda and Kontor Records (where she managed Scooter for many years). In 2004, after all that 'Hyper Hyper', she worked at Chocolate Blue as a Project Manager in Cross Marketing before opening her own music PR marketing agency, idee deluxe.


standard casting

Please send us your brief. We will send you fitting talents (existing demos) within 24h

customized casting

We can provide you with customized reads if requested.


We help you to find the right brandvoice for your company/product. We can provide market research as well as analyses. We successfully found many brand voices over the last couple of years such as: Mercedes, Vodafone, O2, Kia, Skoda, Milka, Penny, Capri Sun, Lufthansa, Bosch and many more. We found the voice of Bixby for the US market.

production services

We have a small but nice studio in Berlin Mitte and a huge network of partners with studio facilities worldwide. Alone our partner MassiveMusic has locations with studio facilities in Amsterdam, London, Tokyo, NewYork and LA. We provide recordings, Castings, Sound Design and Music if requested. And we are always looking forward to new projects. We can provide TTS (Text to speech) recordings . We did all recordings for the US market for Samsung with Bixby.


Wir haben in Mitte ein Tonstudio. Wir bieten Full Service Audio Produktion an. Von Sprachaufnahmen inkl. Casting, über Sound Design, Musikproduktion und Mixing.

„We’re the department that specialises in voice strategy, expert voice persona development, voice-over talent casting, conversational design and voice UX."
